2024 Timetable

*Please note times may change for term 2 or when classes need to be separated due to numbers.

2024 CLASS TIMES (for term 1)

Classes are held at out Studio located in the Wauchope Fitness Centre along Cameron Street Wauchope

Monday -

4pm 11/12

5pm 13-1st years

6pm Beginner, Novice and Intermediate Ladies

Tuesday -

3.45pm 5-6years

4.30pm 7-8 years

5.30pm Open Ladies

6.30 2nd year and Open Seniors

Wednesday -

4pm 7-8 years

5pm 9-10 years


4pm 9--12 years

4.45pm 13-1st years

5.30pm Beginner, Novice and Intermediate Ladies

6.15pm Opens Ladies

7pm 2nd year and Open Seniors


9am Tiny Tots 3 & 4 years

9.30am 5 - 6years

10.30am Beginner Ladies

The section your daughter participates in is determined by the age they turn before 1st September.